Moving women towards natural wellness.

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Hi! I’m Sarah Geissinger. I’m a natural health educator with a passion for using food and natural medicine to help our bodies to heal. I work with women to inspire them to move towards natural health and partner with them to shift how they take care of themselves and their families to using the tools that nature provides. I’m a mama of four, ages ten to one and my husband, Justin is a physical therapist here in Lancaster.

Natural health became a passion of mine after I struggled for years to manage an autoimmune disease. When many of the ‘traditional” medical recommendations weren’t helping me to feel better, I started to dig in to alternative ways to heal my body. With shifting in how I ate, introducing targeted supplements and a toolkit of essential oils, I am happy to be free of medication and fully managing my autoimmune issues with natural plant-based medicine. As a result of my experiences, my passion is to help others to find healing naturally as well.