Today's BOGO special for Saturday, November 20th is buy Rose Touch ($70.00 wholesale) and get Helichrysm and Peppermint for FREE.

Rose is the QUEEN of oils and one of the most powerful anti-virals in the plant world. It take 50 pounds of hand-picked rose petals to make one 5 ml bottle of essential oil, making it one of the most precious oils in the world. Its tremendous for mood and skin and immune function and germ fighting. Helichrysm is a HEALER. We use this oil for cuts, bruises and wound care… its incredibly effective for helping blood to clot well and speeds the healing process. Its often called liquid stitches!

You can order up to three of these on your wholesale account, so stock up or share with a friend. For a refresher on how to order, click here (or text me and I’ll walk you through it)!

Rose Touch

  • Don't let the smell fool you! Rose is an antidepressant, a powerful antibacterial and amazing for skin irritations and aging skin.

  • Roll over fine lines, wrinkles and ages spots

  • Apply to pulse  points reproductive reflex point for low libido

  • Massage into scar tissue 3 times a day

  • To treat bacterial infections and wounds, roll around the area of concern

  • Wear as a perfume by rolling on pulse points and heart

  • Apply to irritated skin reactions from plants

  • Use it to help with monthly cycle issues by rolling over the abdomen

  • Rose holds a higher vibration than any other oil on the planet.  It is a powerful healer of the heart.

  • For more info and research head to doTERRA’s Discover Solutions page

  • Check out our BOGO Facebook Group for videos, graphics and education on the BOGO’s each day, as well a lots of fun giveaways this week.

  • Check out this beautiful view from the rose harvest in Bulgaria

Helichrysm - FREE!

  • Top Uses

    Tissue Repair Apply neat or diluted to wounds.

    Bleeding Apply to clean wound to stop bleeding.

    Eczema & Psoriasis Apply 1-2 drops diluted to affected areas.

    Shock Diffuse 3-6 drops.

    Tinnitus Apply a drop behind ear.

    Viral Infections Take 1-2 drops in capsule, or diffuse.

    Cholesterol Take 1-3 drops in a capsule, and apply to bottoms of feet.

    Main Properties

    Antibacterial, Anticatarrhal, Anticoagulant, Antispasmodic, Mucolytic

    Other Uses AIDS/HIV, Broken Blood Vessels, Bruises, Cuts, Earache, Fibroids, Gallbladder Infection, Hemorrhaging, Hernias, Herpes, Lymphatic Drainage, Nose Bleed, Sciatica, Staph Infection, Stretch Marks, Wrinkles

    Emotional Use Esters like Neryl acetate make Helichrysum a restoring oil that ease emotional pain, anguish, and trauma.

    Bruised Skin Healing Blend

    • 9 drops Helichrysum

    • 5 drops Lavender

    • 4 drops Roman Chamomile

    • 2 Tbsp FCO

    Mix the oils together and apply on the affected area.

  • For more info and research head to doTERRA’s Discover Solutions page

Peppermint - FREE!

Top Uses

  • Headache & Migraine Massage 1-2 drops into temples and base of skull, avoiding the eyes.

    Digestive Upset Drink 1-2 drops in water, or massage directly over stomach.

    Asthma & Cough Apply 2 drops with carrier oil over chest and lung reflex points, or diffuse.

    Bad Breath Lick a dab from your finger.

    Low Energy & Mental Fog Drink 1-2 drops in water, or diffuse.

    Muscle & Joint Pain Rub a drop diluted into affected areas.

    Fevers Apply 1-2 drops to back of neck.

    Other Uses Alertness, Allergies, Autism, Burns, Cravings, Gastritis, Hangover, Hot Flashes, Hypothyroidism, Loss of Sense of Smell, Memory, Milk Supply (Decrease), Osteoporosis, Sciatica, Sinusitis, Typhoid

    Safety Possible skin sensitivity.

    Emotional Use Alcohols like Menthol make Peppermint an energizing oil. It brings new life to the heart, and reminds you that life can be happy.

  • For more info and research head to doTERRA’s Discover Solutions page

  • Check out our BOGO Facebook Group for videos, graphics and education on the BOGO’s each day, as well a lots of fun giveaways this week.


Purchasing on a Loyalty Rewards Order (LRP) to earn points (10-30 % back) It's the smartest way to buy and the points get you FREE product down the road.

  • Sign into your account at

  • Click on LRP template (purple)

  • Go to "quick add to cart" bar and search for the special of that day. Add it to your cart.

  • If you want to earn points, your order must be 50 PV. Remove any items you don't want .

  • Once you have finished shopping, click the "Proceed to check out" button and review your order. The free oils will be automatically added to your cart.

  • Select "Process order Now"

  • Make sure to adjust your order template for future orders.

  • If you receive commission from doTERRA, reset your order template to 100 PV

Purchasing on a Standard Order no points earned

  • Sign into your account at

  • Click "buy" on the BOGO promo at the top or search for the BOGO in the search bar.

  • Add it to your cart.

  • Once you have finished shopping, click "proceed to checkout". The free oils will be in your cart.

  • Click "Process now"

  • Standard orders do not receive LRP points.

You can order up to 3 on your account- a perfect opportunity to stock up or order for a friend. This deal ends at midnight, so your order must be placed by that time.


Check out our BOGO Facebook Group for videos, graphics and education on the BOGO’s each day, as well a lots of fun giveaways this week.

Check your email each day for information about the daily BOGO.


Send me a text and I’ll walk you through it all. :)