August EO Studies- Day 1

Hello and welcome to our August 2020 Essential Oil Personal Usage Study!

As we’re getting started, we wanted to invite you to take a few minutes to watch how wintergreen essential oil is sourced in Nepal and to see how doTERRA is having an impact in both the healthcare arena and in investing in communities around the world.

This is a great intro to how each drop of dōTERRA oil, even the samples that you have for studies, change lives all over the world.

 The partnership between dōTERRA and the hard-working Wintergreen harvesters in Nepal is an exciting Co-Impact Sourcing initiative for dōTERRA and an example of one of the many places around the world where doTERRA deeply invests in the growers and harvesters throughout their supply chain to source THE BEST oils while doing the MOST GOOD.

Our study prep begins TONIGHT with our Intake Class on Zoom on Monday night, August 10th at 7:30PM EST.

Before the intro session please be sure to:

✅ Complete your Intake Survey—click on the appropriate link below, based on which study you are participating in (this is extremely important for collecting your before and after data)

✅ Have your Studies Packet with you

✅ Bring pen and paper for notes

We can't wait to see you on ZOOM on Monday night! If you have any questions about Zoom, please ask the person who invited you to this group and tag them below.Here is the link for you to click a few minutes before 7:30PM EST on Monday night. Here’s the link:

One of the KEY things to success when addressing health issues naturally is CONSISTENCY and CREATING HABITS…. and those things happen when you set yourself up for success.

Set up your environment today for success throughout this week:

✅ Put your oils and supplements where you can see them

✅ Attach your new routine to an already existing habit. For example, put your Adaptiv capsules where you prepare your breakfast so you'll remember to take them. Or put your Serenity softgels where you will see them when you are getting ready for bed.

✅ When you leave the house, take your oils with you to apply when you need them

✅ Put your journal on a countertop or table where you will see it so you can record your experiences daily

✅ Go into tomorrow with the mindset of taking care of yourself and starting to give your body what it needs to heal

Set yourself up for success… we can’t wait to hear about your experience!

Additionally, don’t forget to hop on over to the Facebook group where we are offering this information and also daily videos on specific oils and protocols that are featured during this weeks study. AND- we’re giving away some great products when you comment on the information you find there!

Sarah Geissinger