August EO Studies- Day 3
Really deep sleep does so many healing things in the body. But what happens when we’re deprived of it?
If you are participating in our sleep study, then OF COURSE you know that value of quality sleep. But, even if you are not in the sleep study, sleep is CRITICAL to overall wellness. If you are dealing with pain, your body heals when you sleep. If you are dealing with stress, sleep is critical to finding relief.
Difficulty learning
Lack of motivation
Increased carb cravings
Low libido
Depressed immune system
Increased weight
Increased risk for cardiovascular disease
Low testosterone
Looking at this list, do you see anything you have going on that might be tied to poor sleep?
Sleep. It’s the foundation of everything. And when you don’t have good, restorative sleep it also affects... well, all the things
Don’t forget to record your info on your journal page and keep your study supplies where you’ll remember to use them!
Additionally, hop on over to the Facebook group where we are offering this information and also daily videos on specific oils and protocols that are featured during this weeks study. AND- we’re giving away some great products when you comment on the information you find there!