After many requests, its finally here… group coaching for those struggling with hypothyroidism.
Is your thyroid giving you trouble?
Did you know that over 20 million Americans are struggling with some sort of thyroid disease? 20 MILLION!
But this is more than a statistic for me…. this is personal. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in 2009 and have spent the last ten years researching and learning about how the thyroid functions, what we can do to support it and how to THRIVE despite having hypothyroidism.
I’m here to offer you HOPE.
I’m offering FOUR WEEKS of group coaching in which I will walk you through the research and the reasons to address your thyroid issues holistically AND the practical, “how do I do this” sorts of things. We’ll connect each week in a group session via Zoom (an online meeting platform) and you’ll leave each session with some challenges, resources and baby steps to helping your body to HEAL…. (which it CAN DO!)
Here are some of the topics that we’ll cover:
dietary shifts to consider that support healing
how to make healing foods easily (because it can be hard to learn and commit to food changes when you feel crappy!)
healing your gut and why its important for any autoimmune issue (and HOW to do it!)
the impact of stress (and what to do about it!)
the importance of sleep (and how to get more of it!)
the supplements that actually make a difference in how you FEEL
the importance of getting rid of toxins in your home and detoxing your body (because this is a HUGE trigger for those with thyroid conditions)
advocating for yourself how and to talk to your doctor
finding a medication that works for you
tests and labs to request so you can know your numbers (and how to work with your doctor on this)
essential oils that support the thyroid and adrenals
Q & A’s from the group!
Join me for four weeks of
group coaching
Groups meeting at 1:30PM on Mondays and 8:30PM on Thursdays
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