
Yay! I’m excited to have you join me as we move towards… grab the coupon code below.

To get your coupon code for 50% off the course, complete the form below and head to the course registration page to get started with the course modules.

Then, you’ll want to log into your doTERRA account ASAP to be sure that you have all the products you’ll need as we move through each of the modules. As a doTERRA customer, there will be some products you’ll have on hand already…. so take a look at the list and fill in accordingly.

doTERRA supplements and oils are so easy to use and will immediately help you address reducing inflammation, managing sleep and stress, healing the gut, gently detoxing, and handling those aches and pains.

I was so grateful to find these products after a few years of patching together supplements that were working for me but were complicated and expensive.

I’m so excited to walk you through how to use these items to shift your health through Supporting Your Thyroid Naturally.

Complete this form to get 50% off Supporting Your Thyroid Naturally and start your body on a healing path.

Once you complete the form, you’ll need to click the link to register for the course.

(if you have any problems, please email hello@sarahgeissinger.com)