Toxin Free Living with Lauren Busch

Below are the replays and resources for our VIP Wellness Session: Toxin Free Living!

If you’d like to LISTEN to the audio of this class, you can do that by clicking HERE.

The speakers of this presentation, the AMAZING and BRILLIANT Laura Lundberg Jacobs and Lauren Busch are teaching a deep dive on some similar topics coming up in October!

80,000 chemicals approved by the FDA, 7% of those have been tested for safety.

In the last 20 years we have experienced a 160% increase in Asthma diagnosis, 35% increase in Leukemia rates, 600% increase in Autism diagnosis, Rates for genital birth defects risen 4 fold, Skyrocketing infertility rates (50% male infertility), and so many more disease processes all linked to chemical exposure.

Our bodies are literally screaming for help. It has become VITAL that we eliminate as much as possible. Our home care and personal care are completely under our control.

Join us as we deep dive into the root cause of disease and inflammation. This will be a 3 part series. Please share this event with friends and family. Add the event to your calendar and set reminders.

Toxin Free Living Deep Dive.jpg
Sarah Geissinger