I Have My Oils, Now What?

Below are the replays and resources for this week’s VIP Wellness: I Have My Oils, Now What?! This is the perfect class for oil newbies and seasoned oil lovers who love to keep it simple!

We teach these classes live on the 2nd and 4th Monday’s of each month at 8PM EST (please refer to the schedule for topics and times)… and if you join us live, then you get to participate in our Q&A session at the end and can win one of our giveaways JUST for those who join us live!

After you watch the replay click here to enter the replay raffle here (we’ll pick a winner 72 hours after the live event.)

Here are the presentation slides from this class as well as the pet recipes we talk about!

If you’d like to LISTEN to the audio of this class, you can do that by clicking HERE.

Sarah Geissinger